Just in Time for New Year’s Resolutions

The 2015 Dietary Guidelines! I’m pretty jazzed about this new release.  The first thing I did as soon as I saw the email from the Academy (of Nutrition and Dietetics), I cracked open the new guidelines.  Call me a nerd, I don’t care. The Guidelines have been long awaited. Considering they’re call the 2015 Dietary…

Sticking to It

In my previous post, “Getting Back on Track”, I talked about meal planning and all its glory.  Well today is about staying on track and continuing to not only meal plan, but how to recover from all the holiday goodies that your waistline is regretting. The first week of meal planning was a pretty good…

Getting Back on Track

It’s almost Christmas and the fall semester has ended.  This is my favorite time of year because it means that I finally have the time to get organized and fulfill the nagging of my OCD that the flurry of the semester has caused me to ignore.  This means cleaning up and cleaning out all of…

It’s Summer! Which Means, Internship Time!

Hello again!  After a year on hiatus, I have returned!  This time I’m going blog about my crazy awesome experience that is going to happen this summer!  And food, of course. So, this summer I was accepted to an internship program at Iowa State called the Heddleson Internship.  Basically, it’s a kind of make-your-own internship…

How to Squeeze Every Last Drop Out of Your Lemons

This week’s post is all about being economical.  In other words, I’m going to teach you how to be a tight wad when it comes to your groceries.  Food isn’t cheap, so it is important to preserve it right so you aren’t throwing your dollars away. One of the most expensive items in the entire grocery store…

It’s Not Always Easy, But You Have To Do It

Hello again!  This week we will be discussing eating right.  Being a college student, I know eating right isn’t always easy.  Eating right takes time, energy, and thought, which, quite honestly, at the end of the semester I just don’t have any leftover to think about what I’m eating.  This week, I will give you some of…